Assimil Zinsbouw


Lesson {{ $route.params.chname }} ({{ lesson.phrases.length }})

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The columns are arranged so that a correct sentence is formed whenever you take one element from each column. If phrases in a column are in parentheses, it means that a correct sentence can be formed even when these are omitted.

{{ blkItem }}

All combinations

Note: Audio is available! Click on the sentence to listen to it.

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{{ ph }}


What? Assimil Dutch With Ease book has exercise at the end of each lesson for practising sentence structures called "zinsbouw". The exercise consists of few columns with various words. Selecting any item from each column forms a grammatically correct sentence. This tool displays all the possible permutations

Why? After practising sentences a few times manually, I wrote some scripts to build all permutations for a more straightforward study. Am still adding lessons as I progress. A, B, C suffixes indicate multiple zinsbouw exercises in a particular lesson.

Click below to view how it works. Assimil book is not required to utilise this tool for practice.


  • Lesson {{}}


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